Thursday, January 13, 2011


So today was the first Wednesday of my semester. Twas very nice--praise God for multiple catch-ups, especially the ones that are particularly long, and some yummy food.
Wednesdays are my free day this spring, my no-class break in the middle of the week (which will soon be turned into study-and-cram day before organic chemistry or genetics). With some luck, it could possibly be shadowing day. It could include hip hop silliness (and fun?) in the evenings. With these (currently) empty Wednesdays in my schedule this semester, I'm wondering and kind of excited to see how God will use them to glorify Himself and further His kingdom...whether through displaying His creativity in the human body, through reminding me that any intelligence my brain possesses comes from Him alone, through granting me opportunities to meet up with people and pour into them/be poured into, as well as to love on friends, new and old...mmm, the possibilities :)

Yet now it is no longer Wednesday, and organic chemistry will be calling for my attention in precisely 7.5 hours. Off to bed!

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