"And Martha was distracted with much serving..." -Luke 10:40
Man...sometimes (or a lot of the time), I feel like my name might as well be Martha. Constantly struggling with what it means to NOT distract myself with much serving and to learn what it means and what it looks like for me to be like Mary and sit at the feet of the Lord and just be with Him.
Definitely learned this lesson hard-core at the camping trip a couple of weekends ago...but still struggling with what to do now that I've been re-convicted of it (brought me back to Trinidad when my eyes were first opened to this struggle).
And thanks to some more external processing today, I think I realized that this ties in to one of the biggest idols in my life, which I think I was able to pinpoint a name for: the idol of maximizing my time. It seems counter-intuitive, since so many people struggle with complacency, laziness, apathy, etc...but I'm the opposite. And when I think about how I structure my time each day, it's not counter-intuitive at all.
Ahhh, Jesus, how I need You. Thank You that there truly is grace enough for us, and the whole human race.
11 hours ago
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