Man, I can't believe senior year has already snuck up on me.
Anyhoo, this will be a short post because I'm tired and should get to bed...I didn't even end up being the least bit productive (in terms of schoolwork) tonight. But it's okay, because God had some other plans in mind :)
Highlights of the day--aka the Spirit reminding me of God's providence and guiding me to orchestrated appointments that could only have come from encouraging!
-seeing at least a few members show up to help with popsicle pass-out
-meeting a transfer student during my first class (which went really well! I like this professor)...hopefully I can reach out to her with the gospel! Couldn't tell if she was a believer
-meeting ANOTHER transfer student (from UCLA!) at popsicle pass-out, even though it was over when I got God trying to tell me something about transfer students?...
-Jesus sustaining me through my second class (can't deny the fact that I was pretty bored the whole time)
-the Lord leading me to worship with BSM at the plinth (and allowing me to bring Selena along with me!)...which led to a crazy adventure over the next couple of hours, haha. We met Eugenia, an international grad student from China who's studying accounting here, and then we met a few more of her friends/classmates...and since they all wanted to go to the salsa night (which neither Selena nor I were keen on going to), we ended up going with them and dancing with them and chatting with them :D praise God!! Only He could have orchestrated this. Oh, the things we do for ministry...crazy but fun. It's all for Jesus, haha. Praying that He would open the doors to continue our new friendships with them and ultimately be able to share the good news with them! Praise God for allowing Selena to be with me. Yay for impromptu discipleship, haha XD
All this to follow an encouraging evening yesterday--prayer meeting had almost 20 people (including most leaders, but still), and three of them were new students (and white, too :P) who prayed with us! Ahhhhh. So so good. Thank You, Jesus.
Okay. I want to elaborate but I need to go to sleep. I wasn't even going to blog, but I figured I couldn't let all these encouragements slip out of my last first day of school at UTD was pretty memorable after all. Praise God for reminding me of His faithfulness and that He is moving on this campus.
Lord, continue to release Your power and presence all over this campus! And please, continue to bring me along for the ride. hehe
12 hours ago
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