(started/saved on 4/10/11)
For our evening session, we had...John Piper! That was kinda exciting, since I knew a bit about him, a ton about how awesome he was (at least from people I knew and respected), but I'd barely read or heard anything by him. His sermon (which you can still listen to!) was SUPER GOOD. It was about getting to the bottom of our joy...basically, when we examine our hearts, what is the eventual root cause of it all? Of everything? The example he used was: say we're happy because we get a good grade on a test. Why does that make us happy? Because good grades = good job opps. Why does that make us happy? Because good job opps = better life, happier parents, etc. But at the very end of the chain, what is the root of our joy? What is our purpose in life?
Piper's main point, basically, was that it pretty much comes down to two things: it's either us or God. And if it's not God, it won't prove to be enough in the end. I have more notes in my old planner (which is not currently with me), but I think he made a few points about how God glorifies us and also how it's even more awesome that God is ultimately made much of. It was reaaaaaally good. Very convicting and also encouraging. (Just click the link and listen yourself! :D It's a blessing that it's saved online for future/repeat listening.)
The only other thing I remember now from Saturday night was that Chris Tomlin led worship, anad when we sang "Spirit Fall", at the end, we just kept singing, "Spirit fall, Spirit fall, Holy Spirit fall, fall on me." Man, was it a beautiful sound :) Loving Father, I hope it was sweet music to Your ears as well.
11 hours ago
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