Just for kicks: was asked to fill out a survey involving me "describing my personality" (very open to interpretation, in my opinion) in 15 straight minutes of typing...here's what I got. Thought it'd make for an interesting read, maybe? Or quasi-reflection. Who knows.
I still need to finish blogging about Passion, lol....fail.
"Haha, this is weird. I think personality is always hard to describe, especially when you're doing a self-evaluation. I guess writing style is encompassed in one's personality, so here goes my attempt to convey who I am via a timed writing prompt.
There always seem to be differences when we ask how we see ourselves versus how others see us (or perhaps how we think they see us). I guess I would describe myself as a pretty friendly and outgoing person. I love meeting and talking to new people in a group setting, especially if it seems like no one else is doing it. As an ESFJ (yes, I'm quoting the Meyers-Brigg personality test), I suppose that represents the extrovert in me. However, there are a few times--rare, but it happens--when I just want to get away from everyone and walk around by myself and pray to God about whatever is on my heart.
I would also say I'm a loving person, but I can only love others because God loved me first through sending His Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to die for my sins and rise again from the grave. Who Jesus is to me plays a big role in my life, both in my everyday minor actions as well as in my plans and goals for the future. I find a lot of comfort in God's sovereignty and control. Through that, I do not regret anything that happens in my life because I believe that everything, big and small, happens for a specific reason, even if I don't know what the reason is. My religious beliefs are an integral part of who I am, even though my parents are atheist and never really talk about religion unless my sister and I bring it up with them.
I like to talk a lot, and I feel like I've further developed the skill of small talk ever since coming to college and especially this year through serving in my campus fellowship, Intervarsity Christian Fellowship. However, I don't always easily open up about what is really bothering me when I talk to someone, even if I know him or her pretty well. It stemmed from a series of small occurrences back when I was in high school, and it's hard to describe how I changed to become less vulnerable with others, but I don't always share my burdens with those around me because I either think they wouldn't care or that they have enough to deal with on their own.
(Sorry, I know this is really scatterbrained. I wish my writing style was more fluid and connected. I've been trying to blog more often in an attempt to attain the aforementioned fluidity in my writing, but it is obviously failing.)
I go out of my way to help others because that's what Jesus did, and I want to live my life like He did. I'll usually happily sacrifice study time to help out someone, whether through talking to them or actually doing something for them. Then again, I guess I'm not the best at studying hard. I've somehow been able to keep my grades up throughout my schooling experience, which I guess would make people say that I'm smart...but "smartness" can be defined in so many ways, and there are so many things for me to learn each day.
I can also be stubborn and strong-willed, which has caused some people to tell me in the past that I intimidate them. That actually made me feel really bad because I don't want people to be scared of me, but I know that sometimes I take control in a very assertive way, which can be intimidating.
There's so much more to write, but I can't think of it now. I'm a very detail-oriented person, and I really enjoy planning and organizing events. Delegating tasks to others has been something I've gradually been learning to do in the midst of planning and organizing, but it's an important skill for any effective leader.
I like to bake and sing and take strolls outside. I like to play sports just for fun, since I'm not that good at most of them. I text excessively. I think my time is up...well, it says that I can keep writing, but I think I'll stop here. That's what I can say about myself in 15 minutes."
11 hours ago
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